• Short answer is, you can. Long answer is, the only reason you haven’t already is you 1) don’t believe you can, and 2) don’t have the right tools yet. Harley’s whole life has been finding those tools, refining them, and teaching others about them. Nail these, and the belief will come.

  • Harley actually makes his bread and butter (outside of teaching) as a LEAD guitarist on stage. Of course, he has his hands all over the songwriting process of the bands he plays in, but once he’s up on stage a lot of the time his job is pretty much just to shred tasty licks and rip solos with his absolute spaceship of a pedal board. That was a long answer. The shorter answer is, if you want to learn to explore the guitar in ways you haven’t even considered yet, Harley is your man.

  • Yes, to both! Everything you learn on one is transferable to the other, it really depends what style of music you want to play. Harley can target certain skills for each, so you get the best of both worlds and are always ready to play whatever guitar is available.

  • Short term no. There are spare guitars you can use at lessons to get you going but if you’re committed to learning an instrument practice makes perfect, so the quicker access you have to a guitar the better!

  • It’s perfectly normal, like anything the more you do it the more effortless it will become. Your fingers will likely be sore while playing for a while, but Harley can show you techniques and exercises that will assist this and your fingers will be floating on the fretboard in no time.

  • All ages! If you’re a complete beginner no matter what age that’s perfectly okay, the sooner you get started on your guitar journey the better. Or if you’ve been playing for a while but need to hone in on certain skills that’s perfect too! It’s always great to get a new perspective on things and try stuff in a different way, this will give you a greater understanding of the guitar overall.

|| Top 5 best guitar pedals for beginners ||

|| Top 5 best guitar pedals for beginners ||

Guitar pedals can be insanely inspirering and have certainly helped me find different tones and sounds I’d never thought possible before. I call them Little inspiration boxes.

Here’s list of my Top 5 best guitar pedals for beginners

Number 1 is definetly a Looper Pedal, many different brands make them such as BOSS and TC Electronics. They’re easy to get the started with and will teach you how to be in time along with being the perfect practice tool for your soloing and songwriting!

Number 2 is a Boost or Drive Pedal, so many different flavours of tone to try out and find the one that’s right for you. These are great in a band setting especially for when you need to rip an awesome solo. Exploring different tones is excellent for your guitar journey.

Number 3 has to be Wet FX Pedals. Ranging from atmospheric Reverbs to tight slap back Delays, these pedals can create an entire inspiring world of sounds when combined together. Some are super technical and you can fine tune the repeats to specific rhythms and some are just too easy to use you’ll be using them all the time.

Number 4 then must be Wobbily FX Pedals. Yes they sound just like you think, wobbily! Pedals like Chorus, Flanger, Phaser and Tremolo all make simple changes to the audio signal from your guitar to create new and exciting sounds that are sure to inspire you. Great for little background guitar parts or to be the main show!

Lastly Number 5 is Expression Pedals, these do exactly as the name says. Allowing you to control certain aspects of your sound (through other pedals) by rocking your foot back and forth you could control any aspect of other pedals for complete control – Gain up or down, Delays longer or shorter, Reverbs bigger or smaller, the list goes on.

Ultimately, just go into any guitar store and try out any pedal that chatches your eye. Some have crazy designs that might speak to you as an individual, just simply play around!

Mess around until you find a sound that inspires you. Maybe it’s too expensive, don’t worry there’s so many out there I’m certain you will find one to suit you!